Groupons, Coupons, Youpons – everybody loves a good coupon!

These days, it seems everyone is looking for a good coupon or added incentive to entice them to give their business to one retailer or another.  Why shouldn’t we all be looking for good ways to save money?  We agree – although we don’t offer the traditional services or products that align well with the likes of Groupon or LivingSocial — we recently decided that a coupon might help shake the trees some.

For a limited time, if you are a business owner / influencer and mention this post, we will provide the following incentives:

  • Basic IT audit / assessment performed by our highly trained specialists
  • Written 2nd opinion on how your current IT provider is performing (if applicable)
  • Take you to lunch – our treat – to debrief our findings with you in plain, simple English
  • Discount $250 from your first invoice if you become a client within 7 days from our lunch!

Of course, we could also raffle off some Apple product from all our prospective client audits – but you’ll only know if you contact us!